Watercolor Wednesday

During this time of social distancing and no school, we’ve developed a schedule for our 8-year-old daughter to have a little bit of structure. She misses school, her teachers, and especially the extracurricular classes – art most of all. So we’ve allotted an hour and a half each day specifically for creative time (but if you know me, that’s totally easy to fill). And today, we brought the watercolor paint and water brushes out. I turned on some Lindsey Stirling violin music in the background, and we dove right in.


One of our favorite watercolor projects is to start with a blank face. I usually have a rubber stamp to do this but we couldn’t find it and resorted to a hand drawn image. And then we just apply streaks of paint to create hair. It’s silly but fun at the same time because we don’t have to worry about staying within lines, and you can use any colors you feel like using.


img_20200318_162229I like to combine a black sharpie and watercolor paint like with words or phrases, or shapes. Looking forward to our next watercolor Wednesday session next week. Be crafty, friends! And wash your hands!




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